Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Heart Weekends Because...

Lu: What do you want for breakfast?
La: Why don't you hard boil some eggs?
Lu: But, I was really wanting something with sausage (vegetarian variety of course).
Lu's Brain: These two things can combine their powers to become something greater!  Like when all of the Planeteers used their rings together to summon Captain Planet! 

Breakfast Deviled Eggs

First - Hard boil the eggs.   
1. place eggs in pan with enough water to just cover them 
2. put pan on high heat 
3. bring water to boil 
4. soon as water is boiling turn off heat and cover pan 
5. let sit for 10-12 minutes
6. put eggs in cold water

Second - Assemble the eggs
1. peel egg shells
2. cut eggs in half and scoop out yolk
3. brown some sausage
4. melt in some cheese (used Irish cheddar from St. Pat's day)
5. mix sausage and cheese with some mayo, Dijon, Tabasco, salt, pepper, and egg yolk
6. put spoonfuls of filling back onto egg halves
7. top with paprika, crushed red pepper flakes, and tomato

Third - Enjoy!

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