Monday, May 16, 2011

Work Perk

I'm easing into having it be kosher for Luna to come with me to work on occasion.  Sort of like a frequent and furry version of Take Your Daughter to Work Day.  She still has a ways to go, but I found her a lovely bed that fits inconspicuously into the rest of the office clutter.

A dog in a box almost makes you not notice the chimp face jello molds against the wall.
She did bark at my coworker that I share the office with.  BUT... it is awfully hard to take a tiny, fluffy, dog in a chicken box too seriously, so I don't think she hurt anyone's feelings.  I mean really, how intimidating and threatening is this face?

It looks like her diet is made entirely of cherry Jolly Ranchers.


  1. She is beautiful and I can see a wonderful companion. We have the little dog who thinks she is a big dog. Not a person steps foot in this yard I am not aware of.

  2. I haven't even met her, and I'm already in love.
