Thursday, February 17, 2011

Soapbox Please?

This last week I finished reading the book Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat by Hal Herzog
about our relationships with animals.  It was a good book, but if you aren't interested in reading it the basic message is "it's complicated."  One of the points that he drove home was that we are all hypocrites in some manner; the more we spell out our positions the more we end up contradicting them, and here I find myself in a logic corner.

In loosely following politics, I generally agree that the deficit is a bit out of control and that trying to spend less and get closer to a balanced budget is a good thing.  I also agree with the idea that cuts are hard to make and that everything should be up for review, to use the phrase thrown around the news, "nothing is sacred."  But like many people across the country, I only say this phrase until people start talking about the programs and issues that I care about.  To rephrase - "Back off our education!"

* Rant Start *

Now I'm not talking about teacher unions or testing practices - I have opinions aplenty about this that I will spare you - I am talking about Head Start, Title 1 Schools, and WIC.  Currently, the House of Representatives is getting ready to vote on H.R.1.  If this passes $1 billion would be cut from Head Start, $747 million would be cut from nutrition programs for children in low income families, $693 million would be cut from Title 1 schools which are the schools serving the most low income families and already have the least amount of resources, and many other cuts.

Lately, as part of my work I have been connected with Head Start classrooms and Adoption agencies that count on the help and support of social workers and a whole team of professionals.   According to NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), Head Start only reaches half of the children eligible for it.  Reducing the funding will only decrease the amount of teachers and resources.  As someone who was in a Head Start classroom recently, it is almost difficult to imagine how less money could be spent.  These are classrooms that are already doing the best with what they have and most of them are doing a really good job, we can't afford to further push back the children that are already starting off further back.

Other than voting (and once taking a stroll down Michigan Ave with my former roommate Andy--different story) I do not take political action very often, but this hit me much stronger than many issues.  If you care about this issue at all, please consider sending a letter to your representative.  You don't need to write anything other than your name; just follow the link, copy the letter, click on looking up your rep, and complete the form.  

* Rant Complete *

On a much lighter note, as I was setting up the Safari Room this morning I decided that today would be Piggyback Day for the animals.

My challenge to you, take or give a piggyback ride this week.  Enjoy!

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