If I had a blog entry for each top level terrorist or despot that has been killed over the last two months, I would have infinitely more entries. However, this is not the case and I once again return to the promise that "I swear I am never going to go this long without blogging again!"
Wait, I know I have made promises like this before....
"I swear the kitchen is never going to be this messy again."
"I swear I'm never going to leave my sweatshirt in the basement and let a spider nest in it again."
"I swear I'll tie my shoes, even when I'm running late, so I don't fall in the parking lot again."
Yeah.... right.....
I'm going to pretend that this is just a normal post like the tons before and after this one, and I'll tell you about what has been weighing on my mind heavily as of late. I really want to build something. I have spent the last year planning out my dream chicken coop—it is super awesome. But I am starting to have second thoughts about my phantasmagorical poultry plans. I have fears that I will be saying to myself....
"I swear I'm never going to let the chicken poop pile up like this again."
"I swear I'm never going to end up with 20 dozen eggs in the fridge again."
"I swear I'm going to stop annoying my wife by asking, 'Do the chickens have large talons?'"
So... I still want to build something, but what? What about a miniature gypsy caravan? Yes, I can understand how you might not understand how I went from point A (chicken coop) to point B (gypsy caravan), so let me try to explain. I want something that: 1) we can add to our yard, 2) will be fairly low maintenance, 3) is family friendly (just thinking of the future—this is NOT an announcement!), and 4) is really cool.
A while ago I discovered something called a "roulotte." It works really well as a canvas for creating a really funky and creative outdoor play space.
This is the sweetest playhouse I have seen in a long time, and you can see a lot more pictures of it on the
mikodesign website. This is what the designers at IKEA dream of: high quality/high use super functional spaces. When you look at pictures of the inside, you would swear that this was some type of magical tent from Harry Potter that is boundless on the inside despite its outside appearance.
Another thing that I really like about the above roulotte is that it is relatively simple. Classic roulottes have hours of craftsmanship poured into them, but the key elements I'm focusing on are the relative shape, size, and functionality of roulottes in general.
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Part of me wonders if I was a traveling artist in a previous life. Not only am I really drawn to roulottes, but a few years ago I was a little bit obsessed with Pakistani truck art.
There are bunches of people in Pakistan who make almost nothing and put almost everything into their trucks. Take the cabs in New York City that are all filled with trinkets, then enlarge them and put hundreds of hours into their planning and implementation. I mean, how good would it feel to go to work driving one of these?
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I know that relations have been tense lately between the US and Pakistan, but I highly support the efforts of these people who have tricked out their trucks. In fact, it is generally a good reminder that there are people doing some amazing things—and that the narrow portraits painted on the news on so many nights cannot adequately portray the many facets of foreign cultures.
Let's just pretend that I'm going to post again within the next week.
(Vegas odds aren't looking great.)